Solid Waste & Recycling

Waste disposal is mandatory in the City of Twentynine Palms. 

The City's franchise hauler is   Burrtec Waste Industries Inc. 

Curbside pick-up of bulky items is provided at no cost and can be arranged by calling Burrtec at (760) 365-2015

Burrtec will assist you in establishing a Recycling Program whether you are a residential or commercial user.     Contact Burrtec Recycling.

Burrtec Services and information

View the California State requirements for recycling for more information.

CA Senate Bill 1383

CA has mandated the diversion and recycling of organic waste throughout the state. Beginning in June all residents will receive a 3rd cart for green waste. This third bin will be used to separate your household green waste and food waste from your trash. Compliance is mandated by the State and not optional for the City and our residents.

  • Green Waste includes landscape waste, tree trimmings, branches, leaves, grass clippings, and weeds.
  • Food Waste includes eggshells, meats, bones, fruits, vegetables, dairy, bread, coffee grounds and filter, tea bags, plate scrapings, and food soiled paper such as napkins and paper towels.

For more helpful information please click here to visit the Main SB1383 resource page.

The City of Twentynine Palms is a member of the Mojave Desert and Mountain, Solid Waste Joint Powers Authority and participant in the County Waste Disposal Agreement, Education and Outreach Committee.
For more information about business and residential recycling, visit



Construction and Demolition Recycling in Twentynine Palms.

 The City of Twentynine Palms is required by State law to divert a minimum of 50 percent of its waste from landfills. Many of the materials generated from construction and demolition (C&D) projects may be able to be successfully diverted through recycling or reuse. Requiring the recycling of C&D materials as a condition of building permits will assist the City of Twentynine Palms in complying with State law.


About CALGreen.

Every three years the State of California adopts new and/or updated model codes. The California Building Standards Commission has established January 1, 2014 as the effective date for the implementation of the 2013 California Building Standards Code (aka, the CA Codes or Title 24). Any plans or permit applications submitted on this date or after will be required to comply with the 2013 CA Codes.

Effective January 1, 2014, CALGreen mandates that the following types of projects must divert a minimum 50 percent of the nonhazardous construction and demolition debris generated during the project.

 New construction and demolition projects with a combined disposal weight of less than 4 lbs/sq ft in new residential structures and 2 lbs/sq ft in non-residential and residential high rise (four stories or more) buildings meet the 50 percent minimum diversion requirement.

 Additions to non-residential buildings or structures of at least 1,000 square feet or alterations with an estimated construction cost of at least $200,000. Additions and alterations to residential buildings that increase the structure’s conditions area, volume or size are also subject to the mandates.

 Note: The code includes exceptions to the requirements; each of these exceptions allows a reduced or alternate compliance requirement. There is an exception for demolition waste diversion in consideration of local recycling facilities and markets for non-residential occupancies. Project applicants should consult with the City of Twentynine Palms Building and Safety Division to determine if exemptions are applicable.

CALGreen web site


Construction Waste Management Plan

The Construction Waste Management Plan consists of two parts:

Part I requires projects to estimate the amount of tonnage to be disposed and diverted during construction.

Part II requires projects to show what tonnage was actually diverted and disposed of.

 Disposal or diversion receipts or certifications must be made available to the City of Twentynine Palms upon request.

 Construction Waste Management Plan Form


AB341 Mandatory Commercial Recycling 
Purpose: To reduce GHG emissions by diverting commercial solid waste to recycling efforts and to expand the opportunity for additional recycling services and recycling manufacturing facilities in California.