San Bernardino County H.O.P.E. Program
San Bernardino County’s Homeless Outreach and Proactive Enforcement (H.O.P.E.) Program operates in all jurisdictions in San Bernardino County—including Twentynine Palms—to provide communities with valuable resources that reduce the rate of homelessness and improve quality of life.
Founded in 2014, H.O.P.E.’s program aims to balance proactive outreach to homeless community members with law enforcement. The four-person H.O.P.E. team works to reduce calls for service to law enforcement by implementing a community policing philosophy, which links vulnerable populations with community services and a re-entry division that helps people move beyond homelessness.
“The program’s ultimate goal is to reduce reoffense rates by connecting vulnerable individuals and families with valuable resources,” said Deputy Mike Jones. “It’s always a good day to be able to take someone off the street and see them get their own home.”
The H.O.P.E. team travels throughout communities to provide residents with direct access to important documentation, such as Social Security paperwork and birth certificate vouchers. While resource providers throughout the County and State provide funding opportunities for homeless persons, this population routinely has trouble accessing this information due to a lack of adequate technology or knowledge; H.O.P.E. bridges this gap by directly connecting residents to potential funding sources. Additionally, the H.O.P.E. team provides assistance with locating affordable housing options and facilitating family reunification.
Looking to help? If you know someone facing homelessness, encourage them to reach out to the H.O.P.E. team for guidance. Contact H.O.P.E. by emailing HOPE@sbcsd.org or calling (909) 387-0623. Visit their website at wp.sbcounty.gov/sheriff/programs/h-o-p-e for additional information.