Community Trails Master Plan

The City of Twentynine Palms Community Trails Master Plan provides a framework and roadmap for developing a trail system that meets the needs of the community and visitors. As part of the planning process and with community input, a vision for the City’s trail network was articulated:
The Twentynine Palms recreational trail network will provide opportunities for residents and visitors to enjoy the many resources and amenities of the city and surrounding areas while providing alternative access to peoples’ everyday destinations. This network of trails will be integrated into the natural environment and contribute to healthy lifestyles, cleaner air, a sense of place, quality of life, and an overall more sustainable city.
This Master Plan document is arranged to provide information about the relevancy of trails to communities and the City of Twentynine Palms, outline the planning framework and physical context for the proposed trail network, identify opportunities and challenges, illustrate the trail network and design guidelines and map an implementation strategy for moving this plan from concept to on-the-ground. To view the complete plan please click on the link below.