SB 1383 Resources

CA Senate 1383

CA has mandated the diversion and recycling of organic waste throughout the state. Beginning in June all residents will receive a 3rd cart for green waste. This third bin will be used to separate your household green waste and food waste from your trash. Compliance is mandated by the State and not optional for the City and our residents.

1.  Green Waste includes landscape waste, tree trimmings, branches, leaves, grass clippings, and weeds.  

2. Food Waste includes eggshells, meats, bones, fruits, vegetables, dairy, bread, coffee grounds and filter, tea bags, plate scrapings, and food soiled paper such as  napkins and paper towels.

Once you receive your green carts, begin using them immediately. Green and food waste materials will no longer go into your trash container. Instead, put your food waste into a plastic bag, secure it, and place it into your GREEN cart on top of your loose (not bagged) green waste.  Place your green cart at the curb on the same day as your regular trash day, along with your trash and recycling carts.  To collect food scraps in your kitchen before bagging and disposing of them in the green organics cart, contact Burrtec at (760) 365-2015 and ask for a free Kitchen Food Scrap Pail.

If you have any questions or concerns with the City's Waste and Recycling programs please reachout to Elijah Marshall, Solid Waste and Recycling Manger at 760-367-6799 extension 1031 or


Valuable Resources-









 Guides and Brochures

How to get a kitchen pail English and Spanish

New Resident Recycling Information English and Spanish