Financial recording and reporting is a major task of the City with the most time and effort directed toward it.
- Each department that receives money from the public reports these to Finance on a daily basis. Finance assures that the receipts have been deposited in the bank and records them in the City's books.
- Invoices for payment by the City are received, logged in, and sent to the various departments for approval and verification of the account coding. They are then returned to Finance, where checks are written. Ideally, checks are written weekly in order to keep the flow of work steady and to maintain relations with vendors.
- Monthly reports of revenue and expenditures are prepared for the City Manager and forwarded to the City Council quarterly.
- After the close of each fiscal year (June 30), the City's auditors review the books and prepare an annual financial statement. After the overall financial audit has been completed, other auditors review some of the City's street and road funds specifically.
- Reports to the State and San Bernardino County are prepared within six months after fiscal year-end for the overall accountability (Controller's Report), for streets and road expenditures, and for the Redevelopment Agency.
- The Finance Department prepares historical information that is sent to the department heads for use in submitting budget proposals to the City Manager. Once the information is secured from the departments, Finance estimates revenues and prepares a first draft budget. Next, a series of meetings take place, and a staff budget is negotiated. Once the City Manager has approved the preliminary budget, they have one or several public meetings with the City Council for their input. Once a general consensus has been reached, the budget is placed on a City Council agenda for final changes and adoption.
- The adopted budget becomes the guide by which staff allocates funds and staff time for the next fiscal year.
All links to the City's finance reports can be found below. If you should require further information, please contact the Finance Director at (760) 367-6799 ext. 1013 or by email.
We are available to assist you with your payments via mail, online, or telephone. The Finance office is not open to the public for walk-ins. Please mail payments to:
City of Twentynine Palms
Attn: Finance Department
6136 Adobe Road
Twentynine Palms, CA 92277